I think you can learn a lot about a person by the books lining her bookshelf or the websites bookmarked on her computer. Thus, I invite you to browse my favorites and read my reviews on books and websites dealing with infertility, loss and many more lighthearted topics. If you find a book that sounds like a “must read” to you, click on the link for purchasing information. When authors’ names are highlighted you may visit their pages as well.

Books by Jennifer Saake
Hannah’s Hope: Hannah's Hope In these pages you will find real life encouragement for your journey through infertility, miscarriage or failed adoption. Each chapter opens with a gripping historical-fictional narrative about Hannah’s experiences. Jennifer then focuses in on principles applicable to surviving present-day realities of fertility challenges, raging from the heartache of church attendance to handling holidays and painful comments of the others. This book won’t tell you what options are right for you, but rather will take you through steps for evaluating God’s plans for each decision or treatment choice you face. Special “Burden Bearers” sections conclude every chapter with practical tips and ideas for pastors, family members and friends.

A Rose in Heaven: A Rose In Heaven - Along with several other bereaved mothers, Jennifer offers three short devotional reflections in this encouraging collection of memories from the hearts of mothers who have survived miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. Dawn Waltman penned the majority of these heartfelt pages after the stillbirth of Molly Dawn and two miscarriages.

Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart In The Midst Of Infertility by Jennifer Saake.

Hannah’s Prayer Ministries is the Christian support network founded by Rick and Jennifer Saake.

The Ache for a Child by Debra Bridwell, the book that God used to change my heart and remind me of His love when I couldn’t feel Him there.

Moments for Couples Who Long for Children provides great daily devotional reading in the midst of infertility, by Ginger Garrett.

Infertility Companion by writing team Sandra L. Glahn Th.M. and [link both names together to William R. Cutrer, M.D. offers the power-packed wisdom and insights of a Christian woman with personal experience in infertility and loss, a professor of Pastoral Ministries, a licensed ob/gyn, a certified Christian sex therapist and an ordained minister! This team has also written When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden.

Rain Dance is a well-written fictional work about two women, one facing infertility and the other desiring an abortion. Due to the content, I was hesitant to read it, but once I did I found the thoughts and struggles of the infertile character felt like they were ripped directly out of my own journals. Joy’s sensitive approach in dealing with the topic of abortion was presented in such a way as to bring God’s healing to both infertile and post-abortive women. Read the first chapter at www.joydekok.com

Empty Womb, Aching Heart by Marlo Schalesky - provides a collection heartwarming personal stories of families finding God’s grace in the midst of broken dreams.

When the Cradle is Empty by John and Sylvia Van Regenmorter, directors of Stepping Stones - Christian infertility support ministry.

Water from the Rock by Donna Gibbs, Phyllis Rabon and Becky Garrett

The Master's Touch: Living with Infertility Bible Study

Pregnancy Loss or Infant Death
Grieving the Child I Never Knew
by Hannah’s Prayer honorary board member, Kathe Wunnenberg, a four-time bereaved mom, provides touching devotional reflections along with questions and journaling space to work through your own grief. This resource was especially helpful to me when we miscarried Joel and Hannah within just a few months of one another.

Safe In the Arms of God by John Mac Arthur is the best book I’ve found to help me answer the deep spiritual and theological concerns I had about the deaths of my children. The Scriptually-grounded answers struck a cord in my soul that brought greatly needed comfort and assurance. While there are a handful of books out there along these same lines, if you are only going to read on book on the theology of a young child’s life after death, this is it.

Empty Arms, be sure to look for the author Pam Vredevelt (other authors have used same or similar titles), offers hope and support after miscarriage, stillbirth or ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

A Deeper Shade of Grace or the newer revision, Losing You Too Soon, about Christian song-writer Phil and wife Bernadette Keaggy and their five losses, including triplets.

Misty: A Mother's Journey Through Sorrow to Healing by Carole Gift Page shares the journal of a Christian mother’s high-risk pregnancy and subsequent infant loss.

Miscarriage: A Man's Book Rick Wheat.

Making It Through the Toughest Days of Grief by Meg Woodson shares helpful insights into surviving holidays and landmarks of grief.

Threads of Hope, Pieces of Joy: A Pregnancy Loss Bible Study by Teale Fackler and Gwen Kik.

Comfort Us Lord, Our Baby Died a book of prayers for families who have experienced the death of an infant, by Norman Hagley.

A Rose In Heaven by Dawn Waltman. Jennifer Saake is a contributing author.

Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart In The Midst Of Infertility by Jennifer Saake.

Hannah’s Prayer Ministries is the Christian support network founded by Rick and Jennifer Saake.

Adoption Loss
Adoption loss comes in many forms: A series of shattered dreams as you learn of baby after baby in need of an adoptive home, yet no matter how you try to make it happen, your family does not turn out to be the one God planned for any of these children. A match with a birth family or a specific child overseas, shattered in death before you ever hold this little one in your arms. Or perhaps you have actually brought your baby home, then something happens to cause the adoption not to be finalized. Under any circumstances, the pain is real and your grief valid. Added to the pain that your child is no longer to be part of your family, you know of no one else who knows the pain first hand. I pray that these resources will lessen your sense of isolation. The Ballard’s story at www.babynate.org is very personal to me as this family was our first “infertile couple” friendship that Rick and I made.

Adoption Reversals - What happens when would-be parents who intend to adopt a child find, at the last minute, that it has all fallen apart?

Frequently Asked Questions about Adoption Disruption and Dissolution

Article: Losing an Adoption: Practical Advice for Moving on after a Uniquely Painful Experience, by Wendy Williams and Pat Johnston

Article: Losing a Sibling:Helping Your Child Cope with Adoption Reversal, by Wendy Williams and Pat Johnston

A Graceful Waiting by Jan Frank


Rest Ministries, Inc.™ is a non-profit Christian organization that exists to serve people who live with chronic illness or pain, and their families, by providing spiritual, emotional, relational, and practical support through a variety of resources, including a wonderful magazine, small group materials and sponsorship of the National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. Founder, Lisa Copen, is an adoptive mom with a history of infertility and great sensitivity toward this form of “hidden illness.” Find several of Lisa Copen's books here!

While not written from a specifically Christian world-view, Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler offers the most user-friendly explanation of women’s health and monthly cycling I’ve found. This resource should be required reading for every young woman entering puberty, marriage, and especially the world of attempting conception! You’ll want to keep a copy handy as a quick reference as your body continues to change for years to come.

Finding Strength in Weakness by Lynn Vanderzalm is a comforting companion for any woman facing the challenges of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Help! I'm Being Intimidated by the Proverbs 31 Woman by Nancy Kennedy is not written from an infertility perspective, this book has me laughing ‘til my sides hurt every time I read it. More homemaking links coming in the future. J Feel free to contact me with good suggestions.

Fun and Favorites
My all-time favorite music artist, Steven Curtis Chapman. His themes on marriage, adoption and striving to live for Christ are my favorites.

My favorite fiction author, Janette Oke. Several of her books hit on themes of infertility, loss and adoption in the course of broader storylines. The Canadian West series (especially in the later books) and A Bride for Donnigan (don’t get mad, read the whole story) are some of the best examples of her sensitivity to these topics.

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard, any serious writer needs the most current edition of Sally Stuart’s Christian Writers’ Market Guide. If you want to get published, this is your best place to start. More resources will be added in the future. Keep checking back.

Marriage and Family
While the world’s definition of “family” often includes children, and yes, some of the sites here include parenting advice, I feel it is important to link “marriage” and “family” topics together because God sees every married couple as a full and complete family unit of two.

For Keeps is a marriage ministry dedicated to helping infertile couples, couples coping with miscarriage or infant loss, and couples struggling in marriage. They also minister to spouses who have been hurt by adultery, lust or other addictions.

FamilyLife (Dennis Rainey) offers books, conferences, radio broadcasts and more.

Marriage Uncensored (Dave Currie), a production of FamilyLife of Canada, is the television show “you dare to watch together.” Episodes “where real truth collides with the real issues to produce a real good marriage” can be viewed online or ordered as CDs. Past topics have included miscarriage and stillbirth and Jennifer may be a guest in the Fall of 2005.

Focus on the Family (Dr. James Dobson)

Shaoey And Dot: Bug Meets Bundle, a sweet child’s story on adoption from China, by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, founders of adoption support ministry, Shaohannahshope.org

Embryo adoption – a unique path to parenthood.

While not specifically Christian in nature, the writings of Patricia Irwin Johnston tend to be well accepted within the Christian community. While I have not personally read every one of her works, I believe you will find many good options here to choose from.

This section is still under construction. I am especially looking for good Christian resources that put adoption in a positive light. I don’t want to create a list of specific agencies, but if you have a personal adoption story website or know of other great resources that will be helpful to all adoptive families, please let me know!

Pregnancy after infertility or prior loss can be a scary season. Your innocence has been stripped away and it is easy to let fear rule your heart. Try as you might to be “normal” you may yet find your reproductive history still greatly impacting the emotions of this new chapter in life. And what is something does go wrong this time? How will we cope? You are not alone in all these questions and so many more! I will be adding pregnancy links in the future, but for now be sure to check out Course of Time at Hannah’s Prayer.

You really made it! After all that heartache, you joyfully hold a living child in your arms… Now what??? This is exciting, thrilling, scary, overwhelming stuff. I will be adding parenting links in the future, but for now be sure to check out Course of Time at Hannah’s Prayer.

Since my oldest is just five, I’m obviously not an expert at homeschooling, but this will be my place to build a list of the most useful resources I find as we go through this process. Here are a few I’ve enjoyed so far:

My Father’s World Curriculum

Homeschooling Moms with Chronic Illness

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.