Jenni's Journals - Hannah's Hope Book

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Free eBook copy of "Rain Dance"!

Read it all so you don't miss a thing.
Free ebook offer and free paper book contest offer below!

What happens when a Christian woman facing a childless future and a woman seeking an abortion are waiting to see the same doctor?

What if, after that “chance” encounter, they are unable to forget each other?

What if, in spite of their drastic differences, they find themselves drawn together by their surprising similarities?

What if they somehow find the courage to become friends?

Joy DeKok, a friend who knows infertility's grief intimately, will take you into the hearts of these two women as they journey closer to the heart of the One who offers hope and healing. Don't let the topic of abortion scare you away from reading this book. I found the infertile character mirrored my feelings so closely I sometimes wondered if Joy had lifted her directly from the pages of my private journals! And I left with a new heart of compassion for women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancy.

This story is worth the read! And best of all, right now Joy is offering her novel in electronic format free of charge! To request your free copy, visit Joy's website and look for the pink "From Me to You" box about 2/3 of the way down the page. Or contact Joy directly at with "Rain Dance e-Book Request" in your subject line. A paper copy of the book can also be ordered from Joy's site (along with many online bookstores) for $15.

And if you "post a comment" in reply to this message between now and September 30, 2006, I will enter your email address in a random drawing for a free book. Winner will be notified by email and posted in this blog in early October and will have a choice between a copy of Joy's Rain Dance or a copy of Hannah's Hope. Please note that you must post from a valid Blogger account and/or include a contact email address in your reply if you wish to be entered in the contest as I will have no way to notify "Anonymous" posters of winning!

Thanks Jenni. My email is
What a neat idea! Thanks! My email is !
What an appeling idea. Thank you so much. My email address is
jenni, always enjoy your blog and i loved Hannah's Hope. my blog is
Thanks Jenni!
Beth E. from HP
Thanks Jenni! I still look forward to reading Hannah's Hope as I have heard many wonderful things about it. Blessings. Bunny (Christina)
Thanks Jenni! It's so sweet of you to do this.
Wow! Sounds like a powerful book. Great idea! Thanks Jenni!
That sounds like an awesome book with a very powerful testimony behind it. Cant wait to read the book. God Bless... Sue G.
I would love to read the book, I loved Hannahs Hope, and this one sounds as good. You have truely been a blessing to me durring a very hard time, thank you and I pray for abundant blessings for you and your family.
Thank you for posting the link! :) I havn't read Rain Dance yet!
I'd love to read a copy of "Rain Dance" thanks for offering this as a contest. "Hannah's Hope" has been a light in my dark day. God Bless, Thank you Angela
Hannah's Hope was a light to my dark days. I would love to read Rain Dance! I'll keep my fingers crossed! God Bless you! Angela
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